Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Evil always has worst end

The period of Navratri is some thing very special period this 9 nights where all worshipping goddess laxmi dancing garba wearing gujrathi outfits and with a special style of gujrathi dancing is seen all over the world where ever Indians and also non-Indians are located. Personally I love this festival because all really get together and dance with complete faith and joy and it makes us lost all the sorrow and life problems on the last day the festival of Daseera is celebrated which is a very special day and the Ravanaas statue is burned giving the message that every evil has an end and truthism always wins same thing happened in the Ramayana it was very easy for lord rama to use this powers to stop ravanaa but he as a normal human he fought this war in the pure religious and in truth. Ravana was having every thing he had all powers of miracles and had strong military, weapons and whole country was with him he himself had 10 different life and this war which was in Ramayana is really most dangerous and worst war even than world war which happened in fact recently there are research shown the todays various reactions of the nuclear weapons and the missiles those reactions were actually known and seen in this war same in Mahabharata war and even after all this we all know it was lord rama and his people who won the war and ravana was killed .
Killing of ravana had been truly a wonderful example that evil always has the end but killing ravana is not end in fact there had always been the evil person everywhere it can also be said that every such ravana is in every family in some or another way but at a same time people like lord rama are also there. But the most important question is why do we have the people like ravana every time we all want to stay in peace and live normally but we all need to know when we travel and see the outside world only then we come to know the beauty of our own home or our own country. When we have this kind of people and unfortunately worst evil act happened and when we overcome and win that evil act the happiness and the special feeling we gain this experience only happens when all this happens and that’s the only reason we say what ever happens is for the better further.
Sometimes it is truly surprising the way how the planning of the war, the way how they used to fight and the way actually it is done is more better than recent war and this war have given lot of teaching specially it teaches one is righteous doing it for some holy purpose and another is doing for evil purpose now it depend on us to choose who is righteous and who is evil and our role even if we are supporting some one is important. Same thing happened in the Ramayana war Lord ram is righteous and doing this for some thing very important reason this every one knew and without any thing to decide they helped him with every thing and then the time came that all even in lanka in ravana palace, his military infact his own family his wife, his brother, his son and all others supported rama and this kind of incidents with diffent topics and different situations have always kept on repeating every time in all different sections of the history.